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来源:       发布时间:2019年11月25日 14:15      浏览:

张小川,博士,客座教授,博士生导师。任加拿大阿尔伯塔大学可再生资源系教授,年度Killam教授奖获得者,美国土壤学会会士(Fellow),美国农学会会士(Fellow)。现任国际土壤学会土壤肥力与植物营养分会主席和北美华人土壤-植物科学家协会副主席,并曾担任美国土壤学会森林土壤分会主席,阿尔伯塔省土壤学会主席和中加教授协会主席。参加了许多全国性及国际性的学术会议,并在众多会议中担任组委会委员或分组会主席。担任多个SCI学术期刊的副主编、编委会委员及客座主编等职。在氮同位素示踪技术及碳、氮同位素技术在生态学研究中的应用上有很深的造诣,在土壤微生物在土壤-植物养分竞争关系中的作用,环境及管理措施对生态系统过程(特别是对碳,氮同位素变化规律)的影响,及土地修复技术的研究等方面做出了重要的贡献。目前主要从事森林碳和养分循环、土壤过程、土壤退化及其修复、温室气体排放和石油开采对森林生态系统的影响、土壤微生物生态学等领域的研究工作。近5年来主持加拿大自然科学与工程研究基金和阿尔伯塔省的项目18项,获得过总金额$5,800,000的科研经费资助(主持人)。同时也担任多个项目(总金额$7,000,000的科研经费资助)的合作主持。现主持6项研究课题并同时参加多个合作项目。在《Ecology》, 《Environmental Science & Technology》, 《Biosource Technology》, 《Earth-Science Reviews》, 《Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment》, 《Functional Ecology》, 《Atmospheric Environment》, 《Plant Cell and Environment》和《Environmental Microbiology》等刊物上发表SCI论文190多篇。多次受邀到国际和国内的学术大会上作大会特邀发言(keynote)。在过去15年里,共指导和培养了23位博士生,14位硕士生,21位博士后和20位访问学者,其中已毕业的学生已经在美国,加拿大,中国,澳大利亚,韩国等国成为助理教授,副教授,正教授,研究员和政府及大石油公司的高级职员。


1(国家级)Carbon forms and fluxes in different land use systems. NSERC Discovery$200,0002013-2018主持

2、(工业界)Field testing of the growth of nutrient loaded seedlings for land reclamation in the oil sands. CONRAD,$216,200,2013-2016主持

3、(国家级)Successional dynamics of soil organic carbon fractions in evergreen broad-leaved forests in subtropical China. National Science Foundation of China,$32,000,2013-2015主持

4、(工业界)Soil salinity, salt movement and salinity implications for tree growth for oil sands reclamation. Total E&P Canada Ltd.,$380,000,2012-2015主持

5、(国家级)Quantifying carbon sequestration and greenhouse gas emissions in planted shelterbelts, natural hedgerows and riparian woodlands in different soil-climatic zones in Alberta. Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC) Agricultural Greenhouse Gases Program (AGGP),$598,400,2011-2016主持

6、(加拿大-德国合作)Initial nutrient cycling in the reclaimed landscape in the oil sands. Helmholz-Alberta Initiative,$508,546,2010-2015主持

7、(工业界)What limits tree growth on reclaimed soils in the Athabasca Oil Sands Region? CONRAD, $255,875, 2010-2013(主持)

8、(国家级)Nitrogen cycling and tree nutrition in boreal forests: interactions with understory vegetation and soil water availability. NSERC Discovery grant, $110,450, 2007-2013(主持)


1. Chang, S.X., Shi, Z. and Thomas , B.R. 2016. Soil respiration and its temperature sensitivity in agricultural and afforested poplar plantation systems in northern Alberta. Biology and Fertility of Soils. DOI 10.1007/s00374-016-1104-x

2. Banerjee, S., Baah-Acheamfour, M., Carlyle, C., Bissett, A., Richardson, A.E., Siddique, T., Bork, E. and Chang, S.X. 2016. Determinants of bacterial communities in Canadian agroforestry systems. Environmental Microbiology 10.1111/1462-2920.12986

3. Lee, K.S., Kwak, J.H., Lim, S.S., Viet, H.D., Matsushima, M., Lee, K.H., Jung, K.H., Kim, H.Y., Chang, S.X.,  Choi, W.J. 2016. Temperature and air pollution affected tree ring δ13C and water-use efficiency of pine and oak trees under rising CO2 in a humid temperate forest. Chemical Geology. 420: 127-138.

4. Li, X.P., Chang, S.X. and Salifu, F. 2014. Soil texture and layering effects on water and salt dynamics in the presence of a water table: a review. Environmental Reviews. 22: 41-50.

5. Wang, Z.P., Chang, S.X., Chen, H. and Han, X.G. 2013. Widespread non-microbial methane production by organic compounds and the impact of environmental stresses. Earth-Science Reviews  127: 193-202.

6. Sun, S.H., Liu, J.J. and Chang, S.X. 2013. Temperature sensitivity of soil carbon and nitrogen mineralization: impacts of nitrogen species and land use type. Plant and Soil 372:597–608

7. Wu, F.P., Jia, Z.K., Wang, S.G., Chang, S.X. and Startsev, A. 2013. Contrasting effects of wheat straw and its biochar on greenhouse gas emissions and enzyme activities in a Chernozemic soil. Biology and Fertility of Soils. 49: 555-565.

8. Cheng, Y., Wang, J., Mary, B., Zhang, J.B., Cai, Z.C. and Chang, S.X. 2013. Soil pH has contrasting effects on gross and net nitrogen mineralization in adjacent forest and grassland soils in central Alberta, Canada. Soil Biology and Biochemistry. 57: 848-857.

9. Jung, K.H., OK, Y.S., Chang, S.X and Arshad, M.A. 2013. Critical loads and H+ budgets of forest soils affected by air pollution from oil sands mining in Alberta, Canada. Atmospheric Environment. 69: 56-64.

10. Jung, K.H., Choi, W.J., Chang, S.X. and Arshad, M.A. 2013. Soil and tree ring chemistry of Pinus banksiana and Populus tremuloides stands as indicators of changes in atmospheric environments in the oil sands region of Alberta, Canada. Ecological Indicators. 25: 256-265.  07-114.


[1] Hyun-Joong Chung, Xinda Li, Janet A.W. Elliott and Scott X. Chang. Aqueous Electrolyte from Polyampholyte Hydrogels: Canada, (2016.03-2036.03).


2016  SSSA(Soil Science Society of America) Fellow Award.

2016  ASA (American Society of Agronomy) Fellow Award.

2015 Faculty International Engagement Award. Faculty of Agriculture, Life and Environmental Sciences, University of Alberta.

2014 Killam Annual Professorship, University of Alberta.

